Simulation for health care



Simulation Survey

Survey of : Simulation for Nurse Educators

How helpful was this site in giving you more information on simulation

a. Very helpful

b. Somewhat helpful

c. A little bit helpful

d. Not really helpful at all

Did this site provide enough information on the different level of fidelity available for simulation experiences?

a. Provided a lot of information

b. Provided some information

c. Provided a bit of information

d. Did not provide enough information

Were the videos that were posted useful?

a. Very useful

b. Somewhat useful

c. A little bit useful

d. Not useful at all

Were you able to access the references provided?

a. Easily accessible

b. Somewhat easy to access

c. Only a few were accessible

d. None were accessible

Were the postings on debriefing techniques usable for you?

a. The techniques were very usable

b. The techniques were somewhat usable

c. The techniques fractionally usable

d. The techniques were not usable at all

Was the information on upcoming conferences information that you could use?

a. Very useful information

b. Somewhat useful information

c. Useful to only a small degree

d. Not useful at all

Did the links of the different associations and educational organizations provided offer you information that you had not had access to before?

a. Yes they provided new information

b. Yes they provided some new information

c. Yes but I had most of the information before hand

d. Not really I was aware of all of them

Did the resources for developing high fidelity simulation scenarios provide some assistance for creating your scenarios?

a. Very helpful

b. Some what helpful

c. A little bit helpful

d. Not helpful at all

Navigating through this site was easy?

a. Very easy

b. Easy

c. Somewhat easy

d. Not easy at all

Was there any other things you would have like to see posted on this blog? Please post your comments here_______________________________________________

Thank you for your feedback. Your assistance here will provide information to augment this site and help improve it for others.