Debriefing after the simulation
Although debriefing has been considered one of the most important aspects of simulation experiences there has been very little peer reviewed literature on debriefing. Little has been discussed on how to do a proper debriefing or how to teach or learn debriefing in terms of what is effective and achieves the goals of learning (Cantrell, 2008; Fanning & Gaba, 2007)
Most educators believe that clinical simulation offer and increase critical thinking skills (Cantrell, 2008). Debriefing sessions are the part of the simulation that is considered the follow-up discussions that provide opportunities for students to discuss with one another what they have learned after completing group activities with students questioning what they achieved and why (Preformance Learning Systems, 2003 in Cantrell, 2007)
Debriefing can be structured
1. Debriefer
2. Participants to debrief
3. An experience (simulation scenario)
4. The impact of the experience (simulation scenario)
5. Recollection
6. Report
7. Time
There are number factors to consider for those who are facilitating a debriefing process such as:
A. The objective of the experiential exercise
B. The complexity of the scenarios
C. The experience level of the participants as individuals or as a team
D. The familiarity of the participants with the simulation environment
E. Time available for the session
F. The role of simulation in the overall curriculum
G. Individual personalities and relationships if any, between the participants
(Fanning & Gaba, 2007)
Fanning, R. M., & Gaba, D.M. (2007). The role of debriefing in simulation –based learning. Simulation in Healthcare, 2, 115-125.
Cantrell, M. A. (2008). The importance of debriefing in clinical simulations. Clinical Simulations in Nursing, 4, 19-23